| - OMG, just as I stated in my tip "I may not know how to pronounce it BUT I do recognize good food"
So let me expand on that...Yes, my pronunciation is all OFF however that is what your index finger is for, so you can POINT. I'm all about trying new things, I'm also from San Diego, with that said, I've had my fair share of fine Filipino HOME cooking over the years. Valerio's has been here for awhile, never ventured into the store until my co-worker came back w/....DRUMROLL PLEASE...Adobo Pan De Sal D-E-L-I-C-I-O-U-S.
Very small store, but it is stocked with homemade Filipino baked goods, both savory and sweet. Clean and nice staff, but let's talk about this Adobo Pan De Sal is a freshly baked bun STUFFED with pork adobo. The pork has the perfect ratio of sweet and savory, so tender that it easily breaks apart as you bite into the bun.
That slow breaking of the bun, you know when you pull apart fresh bread and steam rises as you pull apart. (sorry, I was drooling) YASSSSSSSSSSS, that is the total effect, and that's what you get with the Adobo Pan De Sal.
I've a also tried the vegetable lumpia and a dessert dish (plantains wrapped like lumpia, fried and drizzled with a sweet syrup.) Both delicious
There is lots more to offer, these just happen to be my go-to's when I go.
...but this is just my opinion, check it out for yourself!