I enjoy her! She listened to me. I have been here a dz times and just now reading others reviews. Yes she is to the point but as someone w chronic illness and conditions I find it refreshing. I have never waited more then my apt time- you come early that's on you! Staff at the desk has changed a few times but I have always had a good report with all of them. Yes lots of blood work but it all supported what I was saying and explained a lot. I'm sure many are drug seaking but I have never felt like that was her issue w me. She's been a blessing calling the company for one of the meds to get it shipped to me free!!! It was 20k a month if I couldn't- thank god she took the time and helpped me. I would put her as one of the only drs whom listen and don't dismiss my concerns. We don't always agree but after I listen and do as she says normally she's been right.
With all that said her PA is sooooo wonderful I enjoy our talks and how kind she is