As someone who has used the TTC streetcars, subway, and bus routes for 3 years ATLEAST everyday for school, work, meeting friends, going out, etc. these streetcars arent toooooo bad.
Other than the people. Always pushy & inconsiderate. People coughing on their hands then touching the poles, absolutley disgusting. This streetcar always has bum's; even in the morning rush.
The fact that I'm all the way at Dufferin blows too because when the car stops from being in parkdale the most iritating thing is that it is absolutley PACKED. The worst part of it is that when its hot in there people DONT OPEN THE WINDOWS?!?! I don't understand... why would you not open the window when your bundled up in your scarves and theres a million people crammed in there..?
None the less the drivers dont even drive walking speed when there are no cars in front of them on some days. I have learned to over compansate and leave my apartment an hour before I need to be anywhere even close by because alot of the drivers are rediculous. They stop unnecessarily 2-3 times at every light, then wait when it goes green! Unless you have SERIOUS patients...