| - I recently SOLD my house in Ballantyne and moved down from Richmond, Virginia both at the same time and was in need of storage. COCO is the absolute best of the best. I can honestly say that she embodies the term "Superb Quality Customer Service." Public Storage got it 100% right when they hired COCO. It's a pleasant feeling when you receive that old school, personable, attention to detail. I could tell that she really took pride in explaining in great detail what all options that Public Storage had to offer me and my family. COCO valued my time, made sure to answer all of my questions and never once did she make me feel rushed. There were several new hires shadowing her (who were great as well) while she assisted me and the balance of training them, while helping me as well was amazing! I'm SOLD on Public Storage from this one experience! The prices weren't the lowest in town, but my experience with COCO made me want to spend those few extra dollars for my peace of mind. I've had several questions after I moved my stuff into storage and I assumed that since I had already signed on the dotted line that maybe the customer service would magically "go away" and boy was I wrong, I walked in to the office and who was right there with a smile on her face, COCO!!
COCO thank you for making this transaction and transition easy for me and my family, I really do appreciate you for just being you!!
Charles Footman
Richmond, Virginia / Charlotte, N.C. - Ballantyne