| - Went here for a take-out dinner for the family. Ordered the largest order of six pieces of chicken including three sides. Pieces were half a chicken each so we ended up with one and a half chickens.
This is in the former Casa Colombia restaurant that recently went out-of-business. In the Food Lion supermarket strip shopping enter along Hwy 521 in Indian Land.
Very popular with the Latino population which was there in droves. Entire families eating in as well as taking out. Sides included sweet and green plantains, rice and beans and other Central and South American items. There were also some conventional sides, such as potatoes, rice and string beans.
The chicken, to us, was nothing special. It was grilled and nicely cooked and coated with a mildly spicy treatment. But it was expensive, especially compared to grocery store chicken and the Colonel's and we would call it rather blah. Overall, it rated an A-OK rating of three stars. And that is all.
The serving and cooking crew appeared to be Colombian which I verified by asking the cashier in Spanish. Hence the sides offered.
If you plan on eating inside, it is crowded. Metal tables fill the entry/eating area. You order and pick-up at the counter..Menu is on the wall above the cashiers and there are printed cards that you can use or take with you. It is very clean and the staff are neatly uniformed, groomed and friendly as well as helpful.
Very simple operation and other than the grilled chicken there are salads and empanadas (meat with potato stuffed pies). And certainly, there are beverages. Don't understand how it is "gourmet" chicken. It is just grilled.
I wish them success, and given the Latino population in the area it stands a good chance. That said, the menu is limited and the sides are unusual for the non-Latino population of Indian Land. Couple that with the higher prices charged, and they might be making some menu and price changes.