This program has it all - from the classic Les Sylphides to contemporary Polyphonia and Tharp's Golden Section.
If you are a lover of classical ballet, Les Syphides will be your delight. The dancers looked stunning with Ginger Smith's amazing ability to float across the stage giving us a pure moment of grace, it simply comes out of her very essence.
Polyphonia was my personal favorite with movement that takes ballet and pushes it to a new level of physicality and expression. It uses the human body in a way that pushes both dancer and observer in a unique and thrilling expansion of the mind. Mr. Wheeldon conquers the challenge of taking the confines of classical ballet technique and expanding that into a new language that feeds your very being. He is a true star of the modern era of ballet.
Golden Section was danced well, although it was my least favorite of the evening. Tharp's language seems dated rather than classic or retro. She has such a style that can have moments of brilliance at times and yet it can also look like a bad 1980's pop video. I can understand the joy this ballet can give as it does make your heart race with fast, thrashing movement.
The program is a wonderful, well-rounded evening. The company looks divine and the dancers move with ease from one style to another.
Don't miss this company: see it ever chance you get! Next program is Mothers Day weekend, May 8-10. This is going to be an evening to make your heart and your head spin, from Apollo to La Valse this all-Balanchine program will have you on th edge of your seat.