Could I have actually found a reason to update my Yogurtology review for a 3rd time? Oh, yes... I have!
The recently updated their register system and replaced the old-school stamp cards with a handy-dandy key-fob tracker. Now, if you are ridiculously unorganized like me, you won't lose your frequent yogurt-shopper card. YAY!
I'm pretty sure I have found a new favorite flavor. Key Lime Pie. Oh, my... How have I missed this on previous visits? It is phenomenal! If only it could be served side-by-side in yogurt-heaven-swirlyness with coconut... then, I could die happy. Please, oh, please make this happen, dear yogurt gods.
Only one *tiny* tip - can we please get a facebook thing going? A daily flavor update would be so easy, and would make it much easier for me to plan my visits.