We all know that sushi restaurants are popping up at almost any corner. Every where you turn there is a sushi restaurant. The question is which one to choose. Everyone has what they cal the "BEST" sushi place in their area. Every one says that their sushi restaurant is better than all others. Some swear that they need to drive to the other end of the city just to get the best sushi. Well ive been to my fair share of sushi restaurants and to be honest all the bad ones are all the same and all the good ones are all the same. They all pretty much serve the same thing so its very hard to choose which is better than the other.
K&B was my next sushi restaurant to try. Went there on a busy Friday night. As I first walked in the door I realized it was quite trendy and the decor wasn't that of a typical sushi restaurant. We were seated fairly quickly . All ordering is done from an iPad which I like. Very little interaction with wait staff. Food came out within minutes and super fresh. When going to sushi restaurants quality and timing are huge factors to look at. All food was tasty, fresh and hot.
K&B is quite a distance from my house so not really convenient to visit when I have a frequent sushi craving but when im any where near K&B I will be sure to visit.