| - Warm, comforting and delicious. That is how I feel about Noodle Pot.
My boyfriend was the one to turn me on to this little joint. We were looking for Chinese food originally, but he walked inside, just to take a peek. When he came back out, he was like, "Oh yeah. This looks good."
No doubt, he was spot on. I was a little bit skeptical at first, seeing that their mascot is some weird-looking pig, who is standing on his hind legs and holding a chicken drumstick in his hand. WEIRD. I giggled incessantly, but still decided to give it a chance.
Man, when the flavor of the soup broth hits you... Wow. It looks watery, but as soon as you sip a little bit (yes, just a teeny-tiny bit, because the soup is served the same temperature as the surface of the sun), it "whams" you in the mouth with a meaty punch.
I usually get the beef stew soup, but the man always gets either Beef and Tendon, or just the Tendon. I have been about four or five times now, and the consistency is always the same. Lots of tendon/beef, lots of flavor.
For all you Pho fans out there, it's a nice break from the norm, especially is you are looking for something a little hardier and meatier. This is gonna be an absolute staple place for me this coming winter.
PS- If you are lucky (like I was, one fateful evening), you might even run into the Duchess herself, Yuhi K. dining here!