| - Let's get some things straight (pun intended):
This place is getting more and more snarky. As is it weren't bad enough to walk in and see everyone in the same Ed Hardy shirt and same haircut, now there's a whooooole new influx of over-dressed, over-styled, over-tanned and undercultured straight couples who crowd the bar, push ahead for drinks, and are rude beyond compare...
...and the management LOVES them. Why? $$$! Money, money, and oh - money is the bottom line here. It's like this place strives to promote douchey behavior in its customers and to make a toxic environment for patrons.
This management no longer cares. I even met one of the managers who was all smiles and laughs and conversation at a dinner party, but then acts like he doesn't even know me or my friends when we say "hi" at the bar. Most of the bartenders have bad pours (with the exception of a couple. I think most of them are hired from the free-weights section of LA Fitness and are hired as 'favors' to friends and such), and the drink prices will wipe out your bank account. The decor is nice (and I give them a thumbs-up on the recent re-do that includes extra furniture, calming 'water effect' projection sails on the patio, and a lush rust red paint job in the main room), but they keep booking DJ's who are convinced that they are play-listing for South Central L.A. - and who don't know any pop songs outside of "Disturbia", "Single Ladies" and "Filthy Gorgeous".
Then there are the girls: uppity hipster-ettes in Hot Topic clearance items, faux-hawked scamps with too much attitude, chubby drunks, and the iPhone zombie girls who trip because they are texting the entire time they are there without looking where they are headed. Too many girls. If they were nice or even considerate, i wouldn't care....but the girls here are totally obnoxious. And no....most of this doesn't apply to the proverbial "fag hags". I fully understand the naturally occurring symbiosis between the gays and their special lady friends.
Also not sure about what they're trying to accomplish with "RARE": the second floor, really small, and really exclusive bar reserved for friends, parties, smarties and VIP's? Seems a waste of space - or maybe a place for the gay elite to look down on the commoners. Oh, wait - the commoners here are doing that to each other anyway. Nevermind.
And, um, straights? Are there not enough bars for you to go to all over the valley? We as gays have very few...please let us have at least that.
Over it.