| - First came here on a good friend's recommendation late 2014. Dropped my Nissan Altima 2008 Coupe 3.5 SE off around 8 am, ready by 2 pm. Got a couple of stabilizing rods replaced, they threw in a top to bottom inspection, i.e. not just fluid levels.
Summer 2015: started noticing a rumble in the front left, did a little research and suspected it was the wheel bearing.
Side note: I have a third party aftermarket warranty from Quebec (Groupe PPP - Superior) that, to everyone's surprise, covered wheel bearing replacement. Problem was the Nissan dealerships weren't open to going through the process of calling up the warranty agents to explain the repairs & costs. I got the polar opposite feedback from Kristin at S&S, she said it wouldn't be a problem and that she would handle all payment coordination with Groupe PPP directly.
Ali took the car out for a spin, confirmed it was the bearing and gave me a thorough breakdown of what was going on with the wheel. He also immediately noticed issues with breaks seizing (mostly due to my leaving the car parked for extended periods).
After all the work was completed, I paid the invoice for break servicing (~$100), signed off on a separate invoice for the covered wheel bearing (no cost to me :D), and I can honestly say that the car has never driven smoother.
1. At no point do you feel you're being pressured or upsold.
2. Last garage I took this car into (approx a month earlier) to get summer tires mounted didn't even mention the seized breaks :s
3. I was 30 minutes late picking up the car, Kristin and Ali waited around, truly appreciated.
4. Four different streetcar routes pass by right in front of the shop, so no need to get a rental for drop-off/pick-up.