I love this place! This was the 4th and final stop on our search for a great dive bar in Old Town. Coach House was just was the doctor ordered, that is if the doctor had ordered you to find a great dive bar. I'm still trying to find a doctor who will do that.
Anyway, from the minute we walked up to the guy checking ID's it was a great experience. Everyone was friendly and chill. People actually talked to you and were having a good time. It was a great mix of people.
We played pinball with some guy we met who I renamed the Pinball Wizard. I also found out that I am not as good at pinball after I have been drinking. Apparently if affects your hand eye coordination or something like that. Who knew? ;)
We also had fun hanging out with some other dudes we met there, and my drinks were $4.25. What more could I ask for? Great bar, great night!