| - A-OK.
Their pho is ok, lots of noodles, meat is fresh but sliced very thinly. My main complain is the broth, it is missing the flavor and is very dark, which means they do not parboil or roast the bones first and do not remove the scum in the final cooking, steps I would never miss when cooking at home, they help remove impurities and make broth crystal clean. However I like the variety of the condiments available and especially the home made chili sauce, which tastes very fresh and yummy, it alone keeps me coming back. Plus I don't get my usual MSG reaction when going to this place so they must use very little of it. Chicken wings as well as spring rolls were on the greasy side, and the lemon grass chicken was also very fatty as if they were using the American variety, chickens from Ontario are never that fat.
Overall I would recommend them for a quick and cheap lunch, especially if you're not watching your cholesterol levels.