| - So it seems Yelp is in the pocket of "Jump Street" they keep removing my review. Wonder how much Jump Street is paying Yelp? If you can not post a "Real" experience about a business on yelp without fear of the censor police. Then what is the sense in writing reviews. If a business complains about a review and pays to have it removed, that is just wrong. Shame on Dump Street, and shame on Yelp.
Anyway here's a third reposting of this horrible business.
Been here twice first time my children had a blast. So I waited till groupon kicked out another deal for this joint, they did, I bought we went. As usual the place smells like a Port O Potty at a state fair, you could almost taste the funk in the air.
They may want to scrub down the trampolines and or check for dead animals in the ventilation system.
Kids had a great time for the two hours that I paid for. It was quarter till 4 and that's when our time would expire. My 6 year old was standing in line for the bouncy basketball court. We were in line at 3:50, the line was long by the time he got up to get the ball and take his shots, time had run out and it was 5 minutes past 4:00. The person working the ball court took the ball from my 6 year olds hands and made him kick stones.
I was standing with my back to the glass so I didn't actually see the action, I just had to deal with the after math.
My son was clearly in line ahead of the cut off time, my older son was beside me putting his shoes on ready to go eat dinner. Then comes my 6 year old Son, crying like it was the end of the world.
I get it that that a time frame is a time frame, but use some common sense...if someone is in line, waiting patiently before their time expires, you don't eject them when they get to the top of the line. This is one of the problems of employing young adults, some kids are smart and they get it. But this place doesn't hire the sharpest tools.
Had my Son jumped in line after 4, that would be one thing and that would really be my fault for allowing him to jump in line and cheat the system. But if someone is in line, and it's 5 past their cut off time...what's it really cost to allow the kid to finish up and head out. But instead I had to spend twenty minutes calming a 6 year old down...for those of you that have kids will understand the embarrassment of a mental break down of a 6 year old.
This place smells like dirty rotten took a dump in the ventilation system. Embarrassing Jump Street, you should rename your joint to Dump Street, that's what it smells like. You should also take some time to train your employee's on proper queue management. You keep an eye on the line, and when the kids get in line after their allotted jump time, then you kick them out. But don't kick them out after they have been waiting in line for 5 minutes.
I'm taking my money to Sky Jump