Who in their right mind doesn't love a giant toy store? (If you just said, "me," get outta my review.) Even the most stodgy adults can become besotted by a stuffed animal or action figure. That proverbial kid in all of us just goes nuts for that stuff, and I don't blame 'em. Who doesn't long for days when your biggest worry was the condition and well being of your teddy bear?
FAO Schwarz is just amazing. Three stories of toys, toys and more toys. (Yes, they have the keyboard just like in Big.) The Trojan horse out front bows his head and emits plumes of smoke inviting you in. I've spent hours here, by myself, as an adult, reveling in it. The Barbie room will turn anyone with an ounce of estrogen into a Bob Mackie critiquing Cher wanna be. The Star Wars set up? Oh please, I had to run to the bathroom I was so excited.
There's nothing I don't love about this place. It's unadulterated fun. (And I think I might love this one more than the NYC location. Shhhh, don't let them know.)