Located conveniently near Peel station this place is a must try!! After searching all over Montreal for the perfect croissant we decided to come here and this was the place. The almond croissant was truly amazing. You don't have to be a morning person to try these because despite coming here in the afternoon the croissant was still fresh and hot. The outside was crispy, flaky, and good. When you rip the croissant apart you can still see the stretchy bread slowly ripping apart in all its mighty freshness. The outer crusty flaky part seemed to have a light touch of sweetness to it and complemeneted well with the poofy softness inside. The inner part was also slightly moist as well and very good. Not sure why but the inner part of the croissant was more yellowy as well.
Drinks are ordered upstairs. Upstairs there is a nice sitting area with plenty of light. Paired with a cappuccino it was a truly relaxing and memorable experience