My trip from El Paso,TX to Las Vegas,NV flight 419 was horrible.
Flight attendant named Kim gave me attitude as soon as i board the plane. I am a pregnant passenger who needed extra help with my bag. My seat assignment is 4F the cabin above is empty for the 2 rows in the front. 4F seat is on the 2nd row. As i was about to open the cabin she told me to put my bag further down above row 6 cabin. That was out of my reach. I asked her to help me, she refused. Another passenger volunteered to help me instead.
During my flight I had to use the restroom immediately, my lower back was already hurting, i am in pain. I asked the same flight attendant kindly since she was the only in the front near my row, if i can use the restroom. She said No. I replied but I am pregnant and in pain. She cut me off as soon as i said I am pregnant and proceeded to ask the elderly couple seated next to me, if they needed anything.
They both replied no. The flight attendant (Kim) was very inconsiderate and I think she is racist or don't really care at all. Every time i ask she would give me an attitude tone. I really dislike the service i got from her.
Good thing a 2nd flight attendant saw i was in pain, in tears and she proceeded to help me like a flight attendant suppose to do. She also moved me to a row of empty seats, transferred my personal belongings and checked up on me from time to time.
All 3 other flight attendants were very kind and helpful.
The flight attendant that goes by Kim needs to be fired for a very unprofessional customer service.