I will never forget an experience I had here a couple years ago that still makes me smile to this day.
On my 21st birthday I drove over to TJs to do the build your own 6-pack because who doesn't go out and buy beer when they turn 21? Well when the man at the register asked for my ID I obviously told him how excited I was to be making my first legal alcohol purchase! He asked if I was doing anything special and I said no and lamented over the fact that I had just moved here to start an internship and didn't have friends yet. Coming right out of a college semester where all my friends had huge celebrations left me pretty bummed that I was going to be staying in alone on my 21st. Needless to say I was a sad puppy and it probably showed.
I paid for my groceries and was halfway to my car when the cashier sprinted after me and handed me a beautiful bouquet of flowers and said "Happy birthday! These are on us. I hope your day gets better!" Yeah. I almost cried in the middle of the parking lot. It definitely made m my day better.
I've always loved Trader Joe's for the prices and quirky health foods. The fact that the people that work there are so sweet seals the deal for me.