| - Finding myself at Sycamore Commons after an early morning of running errands, dodging the church traffic and standing in line at Costco for an eternity, I was hangry (hungry + angry) and needing something to eat post haste. I was heading towards McAlister's (I don't frequent Sycamore Commons and knew there was a McAlister's there) when I saw Jimmy John's. I like subs. Let's try that!
I was the only non-employee in there (Sunday at 11:30 am) and stood there for a minute staring at the menu. Why do you name the subs? It's not a cat - it's a sub. If it has ham and cheese on it, call it friggin' ham and cheese. And if it doesn't have bacon on it, it's not a club sandwich in my mind. Anywho... once I got over my short-bus confusion, I ordered #7 ham and cheese on their french bread, a bag of BBQ chips and a chocolate chip cookie to go (was headed to the parentals). Not to be confused with the #1 Pepe, which is also ham and cheese... whatever. Luckily, it's a small menu or I could have been there all morning.
The bread was fresh and soft without being mushy - the middle is soft while the outside is sturdier but not crunchy. Hard to explain, but it was good. This isn't subway where you have 100 toppings - mine came with lettuce and mayo (tomato is also included but I am not a fan of the maters). Smoked ham was sliced thin and was tasty, provolone was also thinly sliced. The lettuce was in shreds and fresh, no bad pieces at all. The chips were tasty and crunchy and a relatively big bag. The chocolate chip cookie was big and soft-ish, pre-packaged in cellophane, so it was exactly what I was expecting. I think the sandwich, chips and cookie were less than $10.
I took a menu on my way out to pass along to the parentals, since they are right down the street and saw that they deliver too (although I didn't see the rules for delivery). Good stuff, it was a nice change from Subway and I would definitely eat there again.
Update 2/18/13: While I found the food to be quite good, I just read some articles on how the owner/founder of the chain prefers to spend the money from the subs I purchase to hunt exotic animals. So, this location keeps the 4 stars for the meal I had because they deserve that, but lost a customer based on the practices of the founder.