I would have given this 4 stars as the burrito I had was pretty good. I am giving 2 stars though because I could see the girl in the back making the burritos etc. and she was not wearing any gloves. She was handling the food with her bare hands and then frequently touching her hair as it kept falling in her face and out of the hair tie she used to pull it back into a ponytail; she also kept touching her clothing, face, etc. So I was kind of grossed out by that, not knowing if she had washed her hands or what she had been touching besides her hair while she was preparing food ya know. I thought it was a state law that people had to wear plastic gloves while touching food. Also would have been nice if her hair would have been tied back more securely and not falling in her face and over the food all the time. Maybe wear a hairnet? I probably won't go back again because of this.