| - Normally when I visit Ulta, I'm serving only as Jenny's arm candy and bag carrier. She seems to know what she's doing (until she gets off track -- but that's like me at Home Depot so all good) and, aside from the perpetual checkout line (which I see others have posted about) the experience is pretty painless.
But when she handed me some container of some stuff and asked me to swing by Ulta to pick up another one, I figured this place would take care of me no problem. I mean, I did have the exact product I wanted to purchase. But from the moment I walked it, I felt invisible. There were plenty of employees but, aside from the ones who were helping customers, the rest were inconveniently (or, conveniently for them) in accessible. When I finally eyed a free body down the aisle, she slipped off the floor.
Finally I decided to wait by the counter in the middle because it seemed like the most likely place to be clear that I was not just browsing. During my wait there though, I happened to stumble upon the product. Even as I stood there for a moment, verifying that this was indeed THE EXACT ITEM I BROUGHT IN THE STORE, no one approached me. Come on -- I had to look confused. I'm some dude at Ulta who doesn't belong in Ulta. Get me in, get me served, get my money, and get me on my way. I know this isn't Victoria's Secret but help a brother out!