On a snowy day in Ohio, I walked Into the brewery/restaurant and was greeted by a smiling staff, and the delightful smell of food. I knew I was in for a treat. I ordered myself a bumblelberry (blueberry with notes of lemon and hops) and was pleasantly surprised by the fresh blueberries floating around my beer. Browsing the menu was a daunting task. There was so many options (all of which were calling my name), I eventually decided on the Bay of pigs with chips.
It was an amazing combination of sweet and spicy.
I was a tad nervous when reading the description that the sauce would be too spicy to enjoy, but I was proven wrong. While having a kick, it had a very good and deep flavor. The waiter was very good, the food was outstanding, and of course the beer is the icing on the cake. I will be back to conquer the whole menu! A must for foodies and beer snobs alike.