My father was hospitalized last year at this time. He was 87 years old and was in need of irrigation of his catheter. He was given Morphine in the ER, which was absurd for an 87 year old to get Morphine. They then got him to radiology for a CT and apparently I overhead one of the tech's say that he aspirated while in transit. When I inquired, they acknowledged that had happened. I then accompanied my father to another room and while he was being pushed in his bed, he vomited while he was laying down flat. The tech's hadn't even noticed and I had to quickly intervene in order to get them to sit him up so as to prevent another aspiration event. When I read the doctor's notes later it had indicated he had aspirated and had an hypoxic event (lack of oxygen to the brain). Then! - while on an acute floor, one of the nurses was about to give him another dose of Morphine even though my sister was sitting next to him telling the nurse to absolutely NOT give him Morphine. She told the nurse the doctor had documented this in my father's chart as well following the ER experience. My sister convinced the nurse to not given him Morphine and was apologetic to me (POA) the next morning, indicating she did not see the doctor's note in the chart. To prevent this from happening again, we had to put a large note above his bed saying he was allergic to Morphine; the nurse also posted it on his chart. His cognitive/mental condition declined from there. Best to be present 24/7 and to watch and know everything that is going on.