It was my first time here , the inside looked really clean and really nice and spacious but the girl working was like kinda awkward and not very good customer service ? Like if I walk into your store and tell you I'm picking up a juice that I ordered then don't just stare at me ? Like say something ! Lol i just thought that was a little rude haha but I specifically came for the spirulina hemp milk and it even allowed me to order it on their yelp BUT when I came in to get it , they said they didn't have it ? And they haven't had it for a while now like whaaa ? I was greatly disappointed because that's what I mainly came to get in the first place ! And the girl explained its like out of season or something but she said it was also a very popular one so I don't understand how they allowed this to happen but i guess they don't have spirulina hemp milk ): I don't know why it's still up for order though on their yelp page I believe that's false advertisement . I'm giving this place 3 stars because the store looked nice and clean but didn't have what I wanted to buy and the juices are good but they aren't like the greatest thing ever and at least the other girl tried to explain to me the best that she could as into why she didn't have the spirulina one . I tried the juice bars in Hawaii and I feel like Hawaii makes their juice with tons of love and care and they don't falsely advertise . Probably just gonna try other juiceries here in Vegas and if not I'll stick to drinkjugojuice in Hawaii because they're the OG