I think the reason for the low ratings is because, like all LA Fitness clubs, the focus is on sales.
The facilities are fantastic: amazing number of cardio machines, awesome free weights area, plenty of room in the aisles, excellent cycle class area!
Where they fail (big time) is customer service:
try to get someones attention at the counter-difficult
report a broken machine-will take weeks to get fixed
And, omg, stay out of the way of the personal trainers! They take over machines, stretching areas, racquetball courts to take care of their paying clients. They leave machines covered in sweat and leave equipment laying around instead of putting it back.
The top insult came recently when they suddenly cordoned off the stretching area and kicked everyone out because it was going to be reserved only for their clients. What?? I guess that would be ok if they had another stretching area that didn't look like an after thought of throwing down a small mat in a corner.
This gym could be excellent given the great space and amount of equipment. But the poor customer service and sole focus on selling and maintaining personal training at the expensive of everyone else drags their rating down to a 2.5 or a 3.