It might be weird having a guy write a review for Shea Women's Care (and Dr. Martin) but let me start at the end.
My wife had an unusual birthing experience. Her water broke at 3:30am on a Saturday -- she was admitted into triage around 10:30am -- delivery room at 11:00pm -- began pushing at 8:30PM(!) the next night(!) -- our boy showed up at 11:58pm on Sunday night. Basically, she had a good 45-hours of labor, panic, and joy.
We called Dr. Martin on that Saturday around 8am and she told us to go to the hospital. She then showed up more times than I can remember on her weekend to make sure my wife (and our baby) were doing okay; she went the extra mile to assure everything would work out fine. When she showed up at 11pm on a Saturday night (just a few hours after already being there) I think my wife and I asked her to go home.
When we spoke to the nurses about Dr. Martin all the feedback was filled with:
- "Oh yeah, she cares. Dr. Martin is one of the good ones."
- "Dr. Martin is just a good person and it's great you have her."
- "I think we see Dr. Martin more often than the other doctors because she's just so caring."
In the end, my wife had a very traumatic delivery and those in the room all agreed it was the most stressful birth they have had in recent memory. I won't go into details but even the nurses hugged my wife after it was over. Still, it was Dr. Brenda Martin at the helm steering the ship to safer-waters. Her ability to remain calm under-pressure and her caring spirit went far beyond all expectations at the most stressful moment in my wife's (and my) life. I could not have imagined the situation with another doctor and I thank G-d it was Dr. Martin who successfully delivers my son, protected my wife, and made sure all was well. She's just the best. Period.