| - So, I'm working the pec deck, y'know. Feeling the burn. Workin' the pump. iPod crankin' some early John Phillips Sousa. Classic. Fully in the zone. Stackin' plates. Rockin' the parachute pants, wife-beater, red, white and blue sweatband. When all of a sudden, out of nowhere... What the...
Up walks this total tool, Irish lookin' guy, all cut but still built like an Amish broomstick. "Hey, I'm running for Vice President and..."
Uh, no no NO, Brah. When The World's Oldest Buff Dude is in mid-set, you do NOT interrupt. Repeat. Do. Not. Break. The. Zone. He backs off, as do the twelve black-suited dudes with earbuds and aviators. Final score: Yelper one, Candidate zip. And that's all she wrote.
(Looking forward to Wednesday 7 November, when this stooge will be hired full-time pimping P90X. The world will be a much, much better place.)
"You have the courage to tell the masses what no politician told them: you are inferior and all the improvements in your conditions which you simply take for granted you owe to the efforts of men who are better than you."
- Ludwig von Mises (in a letter to Ayn Rand)