| - Muahahaha the translator dude (do these people have a title?) anyways the translator dude translating the French/English directions and such to Italian, was totally talking (and doing other things) to the stewardesses, for many hours of the flight (late at night)...this was a-okay with me, as they didn't bother me and the stewardesses were in good spirits for the rest of the flight to Roma. ;)
To be honest, Air Canada isn't all *that* bad, but they aren't *that* good either.
I have never boarded late to a flight, my flight has never been cancelled or delayed, and the stewardesses have been competent--although they are of older age, so if you're looking for those youngens, think again!
The food sucks (I have had better airplane food on other airlines), the seats are okay...but there isn't much leg room, for my 5'8" body which is all legs. I had a very uncomfortable time sleeping...but this is prevalent on many airlines on which I fly economy. :'(
But until they act more like Qatar, Asiana or CP...they will remain a 2 in my books.