| - Joe's. Meh.
There's always a cover here (sometimes going up to as much as they charge for nightclubs up in Chicago! Wtf?), the line's always hella long, the floor's always really sticky/crunchy, the crowd's always really trashy/slutty (what can you expect with stripper poles on a stage by the dance floor?), the drinks are overpriced, and the place is always super packed. So really, if this is what you're into, then you'd probably love it here, but it's just not for me.
The crowd you find that frequents Joe's consists of a lot of scantily clad sorority girls and collar popping frat guys. If you can manage to maneuver your way through the sea of bodies in the hella hot and humid place and manage to secure a pool table, it can be alright with some friends and a beer. They do have heating lamps and an outdoor area for if you need some fresh air from the stifling bar, but all in all, I would say Joe's is my least favorite bar on campus.