if i was a rave-boy 20 yr old again...this would still be only a 3 star experience.
great staff, beautiful location, only 15 dollar cover.
now the bad...
like in high school, all the girls dance on one side, guys on the other. i don't believe this is a gay club, cause most of the couples that were slutting it up were hetero.
drinks were triple price and 50% less in pour than any other bar, club or pub i went to that night (good sample cause i went to 5 in 6 hrs)
i did like the marketing with other sponsors and models cruising around http://static.px.yelp.com/bphoto/h6GpeYazwoIsNTh8XNVUtw/l
cos it helped to offset the otherwise sliminess and grime i felt when attempting to get my groove on.
this is a weird mix between beauty bar and prana back in SF. yuck