This is not the best pizza place that I've had here in Vegas, but when it's 3AM and you're craving for Pizza, it'll do. I wasn't staying here in the hotel, so it was kind of a walk from the parking structure. This place was crowded as there were many people dressed up; maybe coming from a bar, show or nightclub? A slice cost $5, and a whole pie was $20. I was with my sister so it was worth it to get a whole pizza. You have to eat this pizza fresh though, like when they give it to you. I had a slice only because I couldn't wait to get back to the hotel and I'm glad I did. While hot, it was good. I planned on eating another slice or two when I got to my room, but by the time I got there the pizza was cold. Usually, pizza made not even half an hour ago would still be good. This pizza seemed to have dried up though and the cheese and pepperoni wasn't fresh anymore. I took a bite of the pizza and the oil piled under the cheese dripped down my shirt. Unless it's 3AM and there's no other pizza place to go, unfortunately I won't be back.