| - I need to post in response to "Randy R's" review. First, this is a person who does not study with Michele regularly, he only appears at times to film scenes, and is a friend of hers. Therefor, she is on her best behavior when he is present. Second, if you research cults at all, and I'm talking scientific research and facts posed by professional cult researchers, you will find that cults can be any size - 2 people can make up a cult, and the number of hours at a time that is spent with said group of people does not define or undermine said cult status. Third, Michele has in fact demanded students follow her to secluded places with zero WiFi or cell reception multiple times. Jamaica and an island off the coast of Canada to name two. It is there she performs her most heinous abuse, as no one is present to stop her, the students physically cannot leave, because they are stuck on an island, and they cannot call anyone for help, as their cells don't work. Fourth, being honest and present is absolutely reasonable. That is not what she "demands"! Telling someone to have sex with several strangers, have no sex, divorce their partner, end their relationship with their parents, have a drink after years of sobriety, confront abusers, or anything at all that is SO personal and emotionally expensive with NO professional training in the realms of psychology/therapy etc is beyond dangerous. ***Last and most important***, she claims to "love" her students. She claims to "love" teaching and her work. Why have I not received a phone call? Or an email? After three years spent there almost every single day. Why has no one else....? If this person was in the business of teaching for any reason other than feeding her ego, she would have read these reviews and IMMEDIATELY reached out to every single person to have a discussion about what happened, listen openly to what she did wrong, and apologize. Not **shut down her website and run to Canada**.... I have not received an apology and as far as I'm aware, neither has anyone else. That is not the mark of a professional demanding teacher who deeply cares. That is the mark of a person with narcissistic personality disorder who is afraid to be found out. Innocent people apologize and face what they've done. Guilty people hide and run.