The lady who did my nails was just rude !!! So I got my toes done by a guy & I asked for a designed & from far away it didn't look too bad but when I saw it up close it was just ugly !!! I asked 2 lady's around me if they liked it & said no . When it's my turn to get my nails done I simply tell the lady " hey I did not like my design if they can just take it off , I will still pay for it & she replies all rude " why didn't you say something before he finished" . I was just like I didn't see it that good when he finished & was like we'll do it at the end. She started doing my nails & she was just hurting me !! She probably thought I wasn't going to tip or something ( I always tip good cus I'm a server so I know how ) because she started to tell me a story about how she hates greedy people & I just melt uncomfortable the whole time !!! I left unhappy ! I'm never going there again !
They never took off my design either !