It's pretty harsh for me to give 2 stars, but read on.
I'm an explorer. I look for things to do with our young son when traveling. As a result, I have been to many children's museums.
Half of the freaking exhibits don't work, are broken, or just suck in general. It's only two floors. Vegas could support four floors easily.
The gift shop is great if you're 4.
The fat trick at the front counter was on the phone arguing with her husband (?) as the other girl checked us in. My son went to look around the corner and see inside the museum. She stopped arguing long enough to yell at him to STAY WITH YOUR MOM AND DAD AT ALL TIMES.
Right in front of her, I told him, "IGNORE HER. You are not mentally retarded nor handicapped. We haven't lost you yet and it's been almost 9 years. Feel free to EXPLORE. " O_o
She just looked at me.