| - So, my little boot-boot, had been acting lethargic and later we found blood in her urine. Called her regular vet but they weren't open on a Thursday, go figure. In their VM msg they mentioned to contact 1st Pet in the case of an emergency. From initial contact to the time that we walked out, the staff at 1st Pet was very friendly and Jennifer, our vet for the day, was genuinely thoughtful about our visit.
Nonetheless, the minute we walked in the office, both my Chi and I started shaking. She's shaking cause she was a nervous wreck and I was shaking cause my wallet suddenly felt light! Man o' man, are they "expenthieves." But wherever they broke the bank, they made up for in smiles.
My, booty-boot, ended up having a UTI and $168 later, she started feeling much better. So, here's the breakdown of our expensive visit:
Exam: $60
UTI test: $72
Meds: $36
The cost of a pain-free bladder: priceless!