I didn't hate this show - but I didn't particularly love it either.
There were some pretty cool tricks that left me wondering how in the hell he pulled this stuff off - then there were a few that had a bit too much audience back and forth and seemed a bit old and stale to me... and probably to Criss too.
We were front and center and had some good seats - it also means I could clearly see everything and all the facial expressions of the star - he seems to be going through the motions and bored out of his mind with doing the same show every single night now for the last 8 or so years... ugh. I can only imagine how much that sucks - rich or not. There were parts where the music would play and he'd air bang for the kicks in the notes - but Criss Angel just seems to be fulfilling his contract at this point.
The opening act and continued support of his cast were hilarious and really made me laugh. I enjoyed that part a lot.
All this being said - I don't think anyone did a bad job and I didn't hate it - but it just seemed like it was lacking the heart and fire it probably had say - 6 years or so ago when it wasn't so old and stale to the star of the show.
I hear they're going to launch a new show with some updates and changes in May - too bad I didn't get to see that one - might liven things up and freshen up the entire vibe.