I was at the bike shop next door and got thirsty and hungry waiting for work to get done, so I decided to walk down the street to see what I could find. I saw this cute place and got excited for a moment but then saw that it was sliders and burgers... I'm vegetarian so that wasn't going to work. Well fortunately I still stopped to look at their menu and was delightfully surprised that they had veggie options! They were about to close I think and there wasn't anyone in there so I was a bit skeptical. But when I opened the door, the bell dangling on the door handle jingled and a guy came out from the back. I ask about the spinach paneer, how do you make that a chili?? and was offered a sample. It was good! but also kinda weird! I wasn't sure what to make of all the flavors in my mouth, because it was certainly for flavorful. I decided to go with the spinach paneer over corn bread, plus shredded cheese and sour cream. ended being very delicious! I also wanted to try the black bean slider but I was warned that most recently made batch didn't turn out so good bc he just made up the recipe. Funny guy, I think he was the owner? I'll be by to try the next batch tho! Oh and they are BYOB which is always awesome!