So this week I am in Vegas for 2 days for my daughters roller derby game. My 2nd time in Vegas, my daughters 1st. We arrive at our #Airbnb which is 20 minutes from the strip at 4pm. I've been driving since 10 or 11am and at this point I am #HANGRY. So we start going back and forth about where to eat and not steer away from our #Whole30 ways. All of a sudden it was like a lightbulb went off. Wifey and I were like BUMP THAT!!! Where's Gordon??? "I want a burger"!!!
So we head over to the strip get to the restaurant and of course, there's a line from the door well into the casino. However, because we were only a party of 3 we didn't have to wait in that line. We did have a 45 minute wait time. So we walked around for a bit then came back after 30 minutes and ordered drinks at the bar. I look at the drink menu (which is a tablet) the bartender hands me and like a jerk, I start looking at the list of beers. First off, I hardly ever order a beer in my home state. It's a rule for my family, if you're out of town you do not order something you'd ordinarily get at home; if you do you are a jerk!
Anyway, I ordered the Honey Tennesse Jack Daniels peach cocktail for me and wifey and when I say we were so happy with those drinks I ordered 4 more for myself (in my mind). But I needed to eat and I was conflicted because everything sounded so good. Plus I wanted that seafood burger and the Anniversary burger so I got both and a poutine.
I ordered it the way chef recommends and so glad I did. So flavorful and perfect portions. My only critique would be the seating booths are slightly too low, I felt kind of awkward at the table. Other than that the staff was great, warm a personable. We enjoyed every bite and will be back everytime we are in Vegas. #BaptisteClan