| - If this restaurant were in a different place with a different wait staff, this would be a five star review all the way. The food is exceptionally good.
But let's start out our dining experience with getting to the restaurant. The website states that it's across the street from the monorail. Technically, it is. It's also about two sketchy blocks down Sahara. Is it me, or has the area surrounding the Strip really become run-down over the past 10 years? My colleagues were looking at me like "what kind of crappy restaurant are you taking us to" as we made the trek. When we walked in, it looked like a place that once upon a time was a nice place, but it's struggled to keep up with the times.
Then there's the service. A smarmy know-it all Maitre 'd/waiter took care of us. Don't ask him for anything that's not on the menu; he will yell at you. The rest of the wait staff looked like they walked in from the set of Goodfellas... you got the feeling that these guys had screwed up everything they had ever done so they were thrown into the restaurant where they could presumably do less damage. So we had bread thrown onto our plates and were constantly being growled at when we weren't listening to the Maitre'd berate the staff for doing things wrong. At any moment, I expected Gordon Ramsey to walk in and start filming Kitchen Nightmares, call this guy a donkey, and march him outside to cuss him out.
But the truly bizarre moment came when our customer (who I will admit is Chinese and her English is fair but not great) asked if she could have a salad as an appetizer. Smarmy guy got downright rude and told her no, we don't serve those. We will give you a vegetable plate. Customer looks at us quite perplexed. Our international sales manager tried to explain that the lady would like a salad, and perhaps you could prepare one for her? "Alright, fine, since you don't understand how we do things, we'll just do this now..." and pulls out a giant basket of vegetables and some dijon vinaigrette to dip it in. "There, now are you happy?" Several awkward minutes after we had our fill he returned to take our order.
The entrees and soup were nice. Had the service not been so awful, we might have a better feeling about this place. The much hyped chocolate lava cake was overcooked, so there was no molten center. It was a poor ending to a comical meal.
15 years ago when my boss last dined here, this was a fantastic restaurant, but like the neighborhood it's in, it's in decline.