I have been pretty excited to finally come in! If you have been to Spanish fly and Drift you will see they kept a lot of the same things and made it their own too.
Which doesn't bother me, just makes me think of memories from the past! My first date with my boyfriend was at Drift! But if you are newly 21 you will not know the similarities!
I really enjoy the openness of the patio- but I am afraid to come here summer time! It will be a hot one! I sat where the sun directly hit my eyes, which they need to get a shade for the bartenders & guests.
The staff was pretty nice. And the security was even pleasant ! So that was nice to see smiles & noticed everyone was helping each other.
It was "carb Sunday" so we enjoyed their fries & macaroni. Both awesome, fries would of been heaven if they were cooked for a little bit longer.
The place does have some extra Scottsdale annoyance with the people that go there- but you will find that anywhere in Oldtown!
They have a bunch if different games to play with groups which I noticed everyone loved.
I will be back, and I hope a lot!