| - Straight up liars. They lie so bad that they can't even keep their stories straight.
In the market for a new vehicle for my wife. Heard an advertisement on the radio for deals and gave them a call immediately at 11am after hearing that to find out what cars they still had left available. First person I spoke with on the phone had no idea about the radio ad and wasn't aware of any deals. That should have been my indication that this was not going to go smoothly. After about 5-7 minutes on hold, I was then handed off to Andres. I asked him to tell me what 2016 Sentra vehicles that he had left on the lot and that I wanted the stock numbers so that I could research the different options that those vehicles had so that when I came down, I knew which one I wanted and we could put together a deal. We discussed price of $12,999 plus tax, title and doc fees. Pretty standard add-ons. He gave me the stock numbers of what was available and said that we might be off by about $500-$600, but to "come on down" and we can work something out. I asked again to make sure that those cars were still there right now and he stated, "Our website is updated ever 24 hours and inventory that is sold is taken off of the website." After hearing that, I felt confident that he would be speaking the truth.
I go down to the dealership and when I arrive, I am handed off to another sales rep. He informs her of the deal that we discussed over the phone, $12,999 plus tax, title and doc fees and that depending on the options, we would "work out" any add-ons. (Ex. alarm, window tint, desert paint protection, etc.) All the extra crap that they add-on to inflate the price of the car as much as possible. I let her know that according to Andres, there was only 2 cars left and gave her the stock number of the first one. She then took us out to the lot and surprise, surprise, could not find the car. I told her that Andres said he would have the car pulled up front for us the this morning, perhaps he forgot to tell her that. So we go back inside and sit down.
During this waiting time, we sit patiently as she runs back and forth. I finally stop her and ask her what was going on. She replied, "We have off site storage on Sossaman and the car is over there. We are having it brought over for you." She then comes back with financing paperwork to fill out and I told her that I want to see the car first and hammer out the price before filling out any paperwork. We have 800+ credit scores, so the financing was not an issue and we knew what rate we would be getting at least after shopping around rates prior to coming in. She then disappeared again with Andres into the back office. At this point, we have been waiting in the lobby almost 45 minutes, no car yet, and no numbers yet.
She then comes back out with a piece of folded up white paper with some scribbled numbers on it. Not very professional at all. And then states, "It looks like those cars you are looking for already sold, 2 weeks ago." You can imagine my response. I was dumbfounded. I then told her that Andres told me yesterday over the phone that the cars were here, on the lot, as of yesterday at 11am. She then proceeds to speak with Freddy Sharpe, the Sales Manager, Andres's supervisor. He apologizes for the confusion and then goes right to work on trying to get us in a more expensive vehicle. During this time, Andres then states that the car is here, but it has 3,000 miles on it and they used it as a loaner, but trying to sell it as new. I then ask Freddy about this, and he states that the car is not here at all. At this point, I listen to there offer, which is $5000 more than we talked about over the phone, and decided to leave.
In the end, here are the takeaways: Not sure who to trust over there, but the mastermind behind all of this was Andres. Freddy assured me that he would take care of it. So whether it was Andres who was lying or Freddy in the end, we will never know.
What I would do if you are planning to buy a Nissan and you have to buy it from East Valley Nissan, ask if either Freddy or Andres are still employed there. If both are still working there, then they condone lying to their guests in order to make a sale and you will want to stay as far away as possible. No business should ever lie to their customers. Sell with honesty and integrity.