| - What a pile.
I will admit to not being an "artiste" and maybe being too pragmatic to "understand" what I saw when I went here about a month back, but sorry; like other reviewers, I am suspicious as what passes as "art" in a contemporary sense.
When I went, only a few small rooms were accessible (and from other reviewers' musings, this seems to usually be the case). The biggest of the rooms had two thin wood walls erected in the center. The "art" inside these walls consisted of a bunch of TV screens which would show a picture, then say what the picture was i.e. a picture of a dog, then say in white letters on a black screen "dog." Somebody got paid to exhibit that? The other exhibit in that piece was hands-on, where you could write an answer to a posited question, i.e. "What would you miss most if you left this planet?" Kind of nice they let you participate, but also kind of like something you'd see at some workshop for kids or something.
Anyway, I didn't feel too unsophisticated when my wife, an arty-farty type, also disapproved of this place. With all the sponsors and this-and-that they proudly display on some fancy plaque in the middle of one of the rooms, you'd think they could come up with better (or at least more) of this so-called "art."
I will say the red room with everything made out of pallets was neat. Still, not worth it unless you're getting in for free with a culture pass.