All I can say is "Thank You" Heather and Ryan C!!!
Heather wrote a glowing review of this place.
When I ran into Heather and Ryan at Brackin's on Wednesday night, they waxed rhapsodic about the pleasures of this place...really, they almost lapsed into prose to extol the virtues of the "date milkshake"...I sort of thought that "date milkshake" must be some sort of euphemism for something far more exotic:)
It just couldn't be that a dried fruit based confection could move sane and rational Yelpers to near tears of joy!
I walked in to this place yesterday, intending to try it myself and see about this "date milkshake"...I walked out with $50 worth of salsas, nut's, dates and pickled beans.
Oh, and one of the best freaking milkshakes I have ever had!