I purchased the Work In Work Out package where you pay in advance to use the gym with internet included. Was thinking to be able to work hard at the hotel then be able to work out and enjoy some of the resort on my off hours. Lets just say I wish I went to the many other resorts in Scottsdale. First thing, there was no wi-fi in my room. While they claimed it's available anywhere in the resort, my room had no signal and when calling every single day of the seven days that I stayed, they gave me the same lame excuse that they're putting it on the priority list. But nothing happened. They have a two foot wire that you could plug into your laptop at the desk- but I could stay anywhere if I wanted to be cramped in the corner to surf online. Plus in the modern day of ipads and iphones there's no ethernet plugin. So you're SOL.
Secondly, the gym closes at 7:30pm (6pm weekends). So you work hard all day and can't wait to go for a run or have a steam in the sauna only to find you've got :30min to pack it in.
I'm sure there's lots of other things that are good about this place but the poor customer service in dealing with the main reason I came here stained the experience. Never again. Lets just say if you're coming to Scottsdale for business and you rely on certain things that you can get from a three star hotel but you expect to happen in a 5 star, take your money somewhere else. You'd probably get a better deal. I'd recommend Sanctuary as I've stayed there before and they're amazin