I tried to get warranty work on a Kamado Joe grill and spoke to "Forrest" about a defective component in my grill. He was cordial, nice, and bent over backwards initially. However, as soon as he found out I purchased my grill from a Costco Roadshow he quickly changed his tune. His attitude went from wanting to replace my item to telling me I had to go through the Kamado Joe website directly.
Wow. Guess I won't be purchasing lump charcoal, accessories, or outdoor furniture from Fun Outdoor Living based on this initial interaction. It just didn't reflect favorably on the company or their dealer status.
I don't mind going through the Kamado Joe website for warranty service but they suggest contacting a local dealer first. I also contacted a Kamado Joe area representative and she said this should not have happened.
Bottom line: I'm glad I saved so much money on the purchase price of my new ceramic grill and will shop elsewhere for Kamado stuff locally.