| - I usually shop at the Star Nurseries on Cheyenne or Ann RoadIbut I was near this one and stopped in for the first time yesterday. It was a hot day and about 4 in the afternoon, but I still expected to find someone outside who could help me. WRONG!!!!
I want to purchase and put on will call a nice big prickly cactus. I looked all over outside for a sales person and I finally went in side and low and behold there was about 7 worker bees (one of them was the manager) milling about in the air conditioned area near the cash registers. I said , "it looks like your having a meeting because I can't find anyone outside to help me." The manager said sarcastically, "No, we're having a convention, but I will help you". Before we could get to the nursery door an elderly women, stooped over with an obvious back Robles, was attempting to push her plant laden cart into the building. The manager rushed over to help her and said he would be right back. I told him, please do help her." (I am 63 and spry). He did come back quickly to help me. Today I went with my husband to pick up the prickly beast and it was another unpleasant experience! I decided while my husband loaded the cactus I would get some Russian Sage. I went to the information desk in the nursery to ask where the sage was and there was actually someone there. The sales person was helping someone else and I waited. He never acknowledged me and then turned around and walked off quickly to another customer in the aisle. I followed him and asked, "Just point to the direction of the Russian Sage. He said, "we don't have any." I was dumbfounded as I had seen some yesterday. So I walked around until I found the Russian Sage. As I was putting in my wagon I decided, forget this I am going to the Star Nursery on Cheyenne since they have always been so helpful. I saw the manager when I was walking out and told him what the sales person told me. He never said sorry only that the sales person was new and probably didn't know. Fine! Then just tell me that instead of a lie!