| - Man, I gotta say that we made the decision to get the VIP package tickets. You can find tickets for much cheaper options, but the extra "meet & greet" with the musicians allows you the opportunity to be doing something cooler--You get to meet the group, take a photo and get an autographed VIP lanyard. Swell, right? Well, it's all well and good until you find out you don't get to actually MEET them, barely even time for the GREET part. We'd never done a meet & greet before so we didn't know what to expect. Maybe this was norm? I don't know. But even then, we weren't allowed to take our own photos of them? Not work the extra money, in my opinion, to do the meet & greet unless you are literally dying to meet them. It's just a picture, people. They move you through like a herd of cattle. It's just very informal and not really comfortable. On top of that, they charge you another 35 dollars for the freakin' picture! Wasn't that supposed to be part of the expensive ticket? Just sayin..
That said, the concert itself was Fantastic! The voices are still amazing!! They got jokes thrown in and pretty simple choreography, but DAMN! Those voices. They're angelic! Anyone that used to jam to their CD would love it. It was a good performance. I might go again. Depending on the company and the prices --As they are booked through Vegas through 2015! Yeah for them!
The location of the theatre is easy to find inside The Mirage. It's a small enough venue that I don't fee like any seat would have been bad (unless some random giant was sitting in front of your view of the stage) They involve the crowd and get the ladies all excited to get their roses during "I'll make Love to You" where they swarm the stage.
My only complaint is that they didn't play "One Sweet Day" - I guess I just wanted to hear that one. Otherwise, it was a show worth seeing!! So do it already!