| - I've since moved back home from living in Pittsburgh for 4 years, but I miss shopping at Avalon. I've been a fan since the "Oakland store" days (and, for the record, I LIKED the Oakland store much more for location purposes.)
On the downside, the Squirrel Hill location could use more space, and the prices could definitely be lower, but I would honestly spend at least an hour in there browsing the selections. I always walked out with a full bag of stuff. The staff always seemed to have a good time, either goofing around or playing around with the clothes/accessories, most of the times that I was in the store. Of course there were some staff members that I encountered who were too hip to be friendly/social and wished they were bffs with Terry Richardson, but I don't let those people get to me. ;) I'm also a fan of the store mannequins in the front window.
Now, if you're thinking about making profit off of your hand-me-downs FROM Avalon (or for any store, like Plato's, for example), don't have high expectations unless your items are very much in season and style (brand AND condition are important as well). From my own experiences with selling clothes that I was "sick of wearing," I rarely came out over $30-40 and got back 90% of the clothes I wanted to get rid of. There are other options out there to sell your clothes.