Let me start by saying I really like Mayworth. It has been a favorite. The food is always great. However, I often dine alone. I was very angered the last time I went that the server assigned to my section walked by no less than three times, looking me straight in the eye each time. While she co tinted to flirt with the table next to another server asked if ---- was helping me and proceeded to take my order. The server who was supposed to be over my section stayed at the same table go guys for a solid 10 minutes, and then proceeded to roll her eyes when the other server asked her a question. She never once so much as acknowledged me. Needless to say I made certain to tip in cash that night to the server who ACTUALLY helped. Ever since I feel like I get an attitude when I go in alone, and I always tip 30% or better. It makes me less inclined to go to what was once a favorite spot for me.