Just when I thought I had been to ALL the best "Pho Joints" in Phoenix (I believe I have eaten in a total of 13!), up pops this one, which was listed (ranked) only as the #5 Best Vietnamese Restaurant by the Arizona Republic. The Arizona Republic got it wrong; the Pho was "ambrosia." Very aromatic, nice amount of meat and delicious! Not only am I ranking it #2 and only slightly behind Dragonfly, it is by far the best looking and best appointed Restaurant of any of the Pho Joints I have seen. Also, it is run by a gorgeous Vietnamese young lady who does ALL of the cooking and is usually there to greet you! GREAT, I mean GREAT Springrolls complete or start this trip to "Pho Heaven!" - Best Springrolls in Phoenix! On my second trip I had the Chicken Wings, recommended in The Republic as "delicious," equally PHABULOUS and have had them often since!